Passionate Fans Pay More
Convert viral fan engagement into a new scalable revenue channel
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Monetize Social Media Followers

Reach loyal Fans and Allow them to Purchase in Social 

BuddyBid enables you to sell and auction merchandise to your loyal fans, inside of social media. Every bid or purchase spreads virally between friends, spreading your brand and earning sales.

Invaluable Data and Insights

Build Owned Audiences of High Value Fans.

Track conversion and engagement across audiences then scale for revenue and data goals. Capture all bidder and buyer data to further define social profiles of high value fans.  Mechanically grow and convert owned audiences to maximize brand vitality and revenue from your social audiences.
Increase Your Marketing Efficiency

Dollar for dollar, social is the most efficient channel for connecting with your target audience.

Understand Which Fans Drive your Business

Understand who your high value and low value customers are, their behaviors and unique identifiers. Tailor your messages/offerings to capture value from different audience groups.

Complete Monthly Analytics

Get full analytics and reporting to keep a finger on the pulse of what’s delivering.

Create a New Revenue Channel

Create and scale a new channels of revenue, data and engagement to see a return on the following you have Build.

Get Started with BuddyBid Today

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